Online Laser – Multiplex Laser and Pulsed Laser
TMQS is the only supplier in the market who can supply two complete different versions of online perforation lasers. Depending on different applications, different materials (i.e. acetate, recess, charcoal, tubes, etc.), different demands (ventilation degree, numbers of rows and holes) and different appearance of the holes (small, round, visible, nearly invisible), TMQS is always able to offer exactly the online laser application which meets your requirements. TMQS is the only supplier for both online pulsed lasers (PL Series) and online multiplex lasers (MPL Series).

Online perforation with multiplex lasers (MPL series)
● Replacement for existing cigarette perforation brands and perforation of new brands
● Perforation of normal – recess – anti oil filter
● Total ventilation degree between 20-85%
● Up to six rows and 360 holes per cigarette
● Easy adjustment of the ventilation degree in production
● Lower standard deviation degree
● MPL200, MPL400, MPL500 with a laser production power of 200, 400 and 480 watt
● Excellent price/performance ratio, ROI within less than two years ist possible

Online perforation with pulsed lasers (PL series)
● Replacement for existing cigarette perforation brands
● Perforating of normal – recess – anti oil filter
● Total ventilation degree between 20-80%
● Easy adjustment of the ventilation degree in production
● Higher standard deviation degree
● PL200, PL400 and PL500 with a laser production power of 200, 400 and 480 watt
● Number of perforation rows per cigarette one or two (programmable)
● Perforation hole diameter, round to oval, 80-120um
● Number of holes per cigarette per each row, 2-30 (programmable)
● CE certificate